Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Drift 3 Screenings, Round 2

Hello, all.

We meet tomorrow in B91 for the second round of final screenings. Attendance is mandatory, even for those whose videos were shown on Monday.

Tomorrow is also the deadline to turn in your production kits. Do so by 3 PM.

We'll see you all tomorrow.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Drift 3 Screenings, Production Kits due

Hello, all.

We meet tomorrow in MUS 180 for the first round of Drift 3 screenings. We will be selecting sound videos at random, so make sure your Drift 3 blogs are posted and finished by 3 PM. Attendance is mandatory.

Check the grading criteria for Drift 3 here:

You must turn in your Production Kits by this Wednesday, April 30, 3 PM, to the Equipment Room. Please don't be late on this. You will be docked 10 points from your Participation grade for every day the kit is late. If the Equipment Room does not receive your kit by the end of the semester, you will receive a 0 on your Drift 3 grade, the Film Department will put a hold on your records, you will be billed for the cost of replacing the kit, and you will be forbidden from checking out equipment in the future.

Looking forward to screening your work!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Individual Critiques, Drift Maps

Hello, all.

We continue today with Individual Critiques. If you haven't signed up for an appointment with your Lab Instructor, do so right away. The sign-up sheets are on my door, B60. These sessions are critical for you to receive feedback on your work-in-progress before we begin officially screening your final sound videos on Monday, April 28th. Please check the Drift 3 grading criteria to make sure you are hitting all the necessary marks.

A reminder that the Drift Maps are a graded feature of this course (50 points), and that your GoogleMap must include documentation of all three of your Drifts. I've been going through the Drift Maps throughout the semester, and I thought I'd point out some things to look for when fine-tuning your Drift Maps:

Jonathan L. and Dave M. color coded their Drifts.

Jordan S. included descriptive Drift experiences on various placemarks, and included links to the MP3s.

Justin T. used looser, thicker lines that look hand-drawn and give his Drift Map a lighter feel; his description of steps he had to take to faithfully execute his Drift Strategy made me think that I should remind you all not to risk your lives for your Drifts!

Andy S. included his Drift Strategy in the placemark description for his Starting Point.

William O. and Michael C. both inscribed shapes on the map according to their Drift Strategies (although I wish Michael had chosen larger areas to explore!).

The Drift Maps are due Monday, May 5, so you still have some time to fill in some blanks. You can review the Drift Map grading criteria here:

Okay, we'll hopefully see you soon.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Drift 3 Structure, Individual Critiques

Hello, all.

We saw a few of you during the Help Sessions, and we hope the rest of you are making good progress on your Drift 3 blogs. A reminder that your Drift 3 videos must be the end result of a process that begins with a careful reflection on your previous Drift experiences, as illustrated in your Drift Assessments, Ten Questions, and Production Strategy. This process is important in order to strengthen the connections between all the work you make in the class, and to gain a better understanding of the relationship you have with your work.

The structure of your Drift 3 blogs is covered on the Drift 3 page:

When I left campus this afternoon, there were still plenty of slots available for the Individual Critique sessions with your Lab Instructors. Remember that this is a required appointment, so sign up by Wednesday at 3 if you haven't done so already.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Final Drift 3 Help Session

Hello, all.

Tomorrow is the final Open Lab Help Session for Drift 3. Here is the schedule:

B-18, Steve, Lilly, and David
B-56, Seth, Julie, Alex, Glenn

We will be available to help you troubleshoot technical issues or to give you feedback on your work in progress.

Individual Critiques begin on Wednesday, April 16, and the sign-up sheets are on my office door, B60. Sign up by 3 PM on the 16th (first-come, first-served).

Best of luck with your editing, and we'll see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Foundations Exhibition Participating Artists

Hello, all.

The FILM 116 instructors have made their selections for artists to represent the Film Department in the Foundations Exhibition, April 11-18, 2008, Union Art Gallery (reception April 11, 5-8 PM). While there were many worthy videos to consider, we had to make some tough choices to fit the work into a manageable program.

The list of participating artists:

Bryan Cera
Shane Connolly
Corey Finnigan
Eric Fritz
Joe Gilliland-Lloyd
Quinn Hester
Desten Johnson
Sam Karow
Colleen Kwok
Elly Liebsch
Christopher Mainland
Derrick Markowski
David Ortiz
Andrew Page
Lydell Peterson
Eddie Roberts
Emily Sherman
Brandi Stone
Meg Strobel
James Stukenberg

Congratulations to those selected (a list of specific works selected is posted on my office door, B60). We hope to see some of you at the reception.

Individual Critiques: Sign Up Sheets

Hello, all.

The Individual Critiques are scheduled for April 16, 21, and 23. The sign-up sheets are posted on my office door (B60), and slots are first-come first-served. You must see your Lab Instructor on one of these days at one of the designated times; any alternative arrangement must be made with your Lab Instructor.

Remember that we are having open lab help sessions today and Monday, April 14.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Open Lab Help Sessions, Wednesday, April 9

Hello, all.

The Reflective Responses are trickling in, and I hope to see more come through tomorrow before 3 PM.

Tomorrow is the first of two open lab help sessions for Drift 3, so we'd love to see you all there for help with troubleshooting or to get some feedback on your work in progress. Here is the schedule:

B-18: Steve, Lilly, and David
B-56: Seth, Julie, and Alex
B-65: Glenn

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Research Screenings, April 7, B91

Hello, all.

I hope that you all had a great Spring weekend, and that your Drift 3 walks were productive.

We meet tomorrow, Monday, April 7, in B91 for a series of screenings we hope will further illuminate some of the image and sound strategies we have been discussing in class.

The Reflective Response #4 (Screenings) is due Wednesday, April 9, 3 PM.

See you all tomorrow.

Reflective Response #4 (Screenings)

Pick one of the following films that we've seen in class:

Baillie, Bruce. Castro Street.
Baillie, Bruce. Valentin de la Sierras.
Brakhage, Stan. Cat's Cradle.
Bush, Paul. Incidents from the Life of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Clarke, Shirley. Bridges-Go-Round.
Connor, Bruce. Breakaway.
Gerhard Holthuis. HKG.
Jennings, Jim. Close Quarters.
King, Joe and Rose Pedlow. Sea Change.
Marcellvs L. Man.Road.River.
Menken, Marie. Glimpse of the Garden.
Pierce, Leighton. Pink Socks.
Richardson, Emily. Aspect.
Riedelsheimer, Thomas. Touch The Sound: A Sound Journey with Evelyn Glennie
Smith, John. Worst Case Scenario.

Write a three-paragraph statement answering the following three questions (one paragraph per question), as a comment to this post:

Please state your name (First and Last)

1. Identify the film you have selected and why you chose it.

2. What are the some of the key characteristics, images, scenes, transitions, events, edits, ideas, connections, etc., in this film?

3. How has this film inspired you (or frustrated you) in your practice as a media artist?

The deadline is Wednesday, April 9, 3 PM.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Environmental Short Film Festival

Environmental Short Film Festival

In conjunction with the Share the Earth Environmental Film Series and Earth Week 2008, the Union Theatre invites UWM film students to submit shorts (under 40 minutes) related to the environment. Films may be narrative, documentary, experimental, or animation. Awards ($150, $100, $75) will be given for Best Student Environmental Short, Second Place and Third Place, will be juried, and based on a combination of or strength in the following areas: outstanding topics, entertainment value, technical merit, inspirational or spiritual impact, superior filmmaking and/or artistic expression. Films will be screened in the Union Theatre at an environmental shorts program on Thursday, April 24 at 7pm, during Earth Week 2008. Winners will be announced at that event.

Entries can be dropped off at the 3rd floor, UWM Union, Room 321 or call 229-3111 for more information.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Foundations Exhibition

Hello, all.

This year, Film majors (and potential Film majors) are eligible to participate in the Visual Arts Foundations Exhibition, opening Friday, April 11, 5-8 PM, Student Union Art Gallery. As students enrolled in FILM 116, you are automatically eligible to have work submitted for consideration. You don't have to apply . . . the FILM 116 instructors will jury the work to be included in the show and compile the selected clips onto a DVD that will loop on a monitor in the gallery.

We will review your Drift blogs (primarily Drift 2 silent videos, although we may include some field recordings from Drift 1) and download the selected work from your PantherFile accounts, so make sure your clips are up to date.

I will announce the results of the jury selection sometime next week.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Image/Sound Lecture, Wednesday, April 2, B91

Hello, all.

We could not get the VCR to work in MUS 180, so we will meet tomorrow in B91 instead. Lilly will demo and lecture on various image/sound relationships to consider when you are editing your Drift 3 sound videos, and she will also show examples of interesting image/sound solutions. This is a key lecture, and not one to be missed.

Also, it looks as if we may (finally!) have some spring-like weather this weekend, so it's a good idea to get out on your Drift 3 walks sooner rather than later. You never know if/when a glitch or two will pop up, so it's better to have plenty of material early in the game than to scramble at the last minute.

See you all tomorrow.