Thursday, April 30, 2009

[FILM 116] Deadline Reminders

Hello, all.

A reminder that your Audio/Video Hardware/Software Responses are due
tomorrow, Friday, May 1, 5 PM, as a comment to this post on the Course Blog:

Also, Reading Response #3 is due Sunday, May 3, 5 PM, as a comment to
this post on the Course Blog:

Have a great weekend.



Glenn Bach, Adjunct Assistant Professor
UWM Department of Film
Mitchell Hall B-60
3203 N. Downer Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Film-116 mailing list

Reading Response #3

Reading response #3 is due Sunday, May 3, 5PM, as a comment to this post. Your response should consist of a three-paragraph statement that answers the following three questions (one paragraph per question):

1. Identify the article you have selected and why you chose it.

2. What are the main points of the essay?

3. How are the ideas or arguments in this article relevant to your own practice as a media artist?

Pick one of the following readings: Delehanty, Miller, Oliveros, Russolo, Spirn, Toop, Trachtenberg, Ximm; and post as a comment to this post by
Sunday, May 3, 5 PM.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

[FILM 116] Final Screenings

Hello, all.

We meet tomorrow in B91 for the first round of Drift 2 Final Screenings.
Attendance is MANDATORY!

See everyone tomorrow.



Glenn Bach, Adjunct Assistant Professor
UWM Department of Film
Mitchell Hall B-60
3203 N. Downer Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Film-116 mailing list

Sunday, April 26, 2009

[FILM 116] Production Kits due tomorrow

Hello, all.

Remember, Production Kits are due tomorrow (Monday, April 27) at 1 PM.
The equipment room is in Mitchell Hall B-54.

Also, if you want to get a head start, post your Audio/Video
Software/Hardware response as a comment to this post on the Course Blog
by Friday, May 1, 5 PM:

Final Screenings begin Wednesday the 29th, and so Drift 2 blogs should
be wrapped up soon.



Glenn Bach, Adjunct Assistant Professor
UWM Department of Film
Mitchell Hall B-60
3203 N. Downer Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Film-116 mailing list

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Individual Crits, Production Kits

Hello, all.

A reminder that if you have not signed up for an individual, one-on-one
crit with your Lab Instructor, you need to do so immediately. The
signup sheets are on my office door, MIT-B60. There are only a few
slots left for Wednesday and next Monday, while some labs have no slots
left at all. In that case, you will need to confirm with your Lab
Instructor about a visit during regular office hours.

Monday, April 27, 1 PM, is the deadline to turn in your Production Kits.
At this point in the semester you should be well into editing mode
rather than data gathering mode. A reminder of the Late Policy
concerning Production Kits:

"You will be docked 10 points from your Participation grade for every
day the kit is late. If the Equipment Room does not receive your kit by
the end of the semester, you will receive a 0 on your Drift 2 grade, the
Film Department will put a hold on your records, you will be billed for
the cost of replacing the kit, and you will be forbidden from checking
out equipment in the future."

Don't let this happen to you. Be a good Film Department citizen and get
those kits in. (You can turn your kits in earlier, if you wish.)

Audio/Video Hardware/Software Response

Audio/Video Hardware/Software Response

Reflect on your experiences working with the audio/video hardware and software in this class. Answer the following in a word processor or text editor:

1. Discuss your experiences with building your microphones. Was this process more or less what you thought it would be? How did your microphone rig work on your Drift walks? Were you able to capture both overall ambiance and extreme closeups? Describe your ideal microphone and recorder setup, with unlimited time and money.

2. How was your experience with operating the MiniDisc recorder? How does this recorder compare to other audio equipment you've used? In an ideal world, how would your recorder of choice function?

3. Discuss the audio-editing software you chose and your history with this application. If you used this software for the first time, explain why you chose this particular application and how you think it helped you to accomplish your creative goals (or proved detrimental). Will you use this software again for future projects?

4. How was your experience with the digital/video camera you chose to use in this course? How did it compare with other still or video cameras you have previously used? Were you able to successfully implement your Image Capturing Strategies using the features of this camera? In an ideal world, how would your still/video camera of choice function?

5. Discuss your choice of video-editing software and describe your history with this software. If you used this software for the first time, explain why you chose this particular application and how you think it helped you to accomplish your creative goals (or proved detrimental).
Will you use this software again for future projects?

Copy/paste/publish as a single comment to this post by Friday, May 1, 5 PM.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Past Drift Examples

Hello, all.

Just a reminder that links to past Drift projects are available on the
Tutorials page, second heading down:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Announcement: Interesting Concert this Thursday

FYI: upcoming concert of interest:

An evening of 21st-century works for the electro-acoustic medium:
surround compositions by Charles Nichols, Asha Srinivasan, and Chris
Mercer played back over an eight-loudspeaker system, plus Kristine
Burns's Copper Islands for video and tape, and a new interactive
audiovisual performance by Christopher Burns.

Thursday, April 16, 2009, 7:30 pm, UWM Fine Arts Recital Hall
Tickets: $7 students

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Final Help Session for Drift 2

Hello, all.

Tomorrow (Wednesday, April 15) is the final Help Session/open lab for
Drift 2. Take advantage of this valuable class time to come in for
feedback or assistance.

Next week we begin Individual Crits, and then after that are the Final
Screenings. Only 3 1/2 weeks remain in the semester, so be smart about
your time. Remember to sign up for your Individual Crit on the signup
sheet posted on my office door, MIT B60.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Drift 2 In-Progress Crit

Hello, all.

We meet tomorrow, Monday, April 13, in the Lab rooms for the Drift 2
In-Progress Crits. Please have something ready to show and talk about.

Wednesday the 15 will be our final Drift 2 Help Session in B18.

Sign up for your individual, one-on-one appointment with your Lab
Instructor. The sign-up sheets for each Lab section are now posted on my
office door, B-60. Pick your slot by Monday, April 20, 12 noon.

Your rough cuts must be posted by the time you are ready to meet with
your Lab instructor, and you should have strong ideas about where your
final-cut sound video is headed.

See everyone tomorrow.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Reading Response #2

Hello, all.

I hope you are progressing well on your Drift 2 walks, and that you've
gathered a lot of great material. We didn't see many of you at the last
two help sessions, and I hope this is because you were all out walking.

This Sunday at 5 PM is the deadline for the second Reading Response.
Pick one of these articles (Cuper, Daniel, Hansen, Hill, Lippard,
Lopate, Peterson, Pinkowish, Self, This American Life) and write your
response as a comment to this post on the Course Blog:

We hope to see many, many more of you on Monday, April 6, in B18 for the
third help session.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Reading Response #2

Reading responses on assigned readings will be due throughout the semester as comments to selected posts on the Course Blog. The responses will consist of three-paragraph statements on the readings or screenings, answering the following three questions (one paragraph per question):

1. Identify the article you have selected and why you chose it.

2. What are the main points of the essay?

3. How are the ideas or arguments in this article relevant to your own practice as a media artist?

Pick one of the following readings (Cuper, Daniel, Hansen, Hill, Lippard, Lopate, Peterson, Pinkowish, Self, This American Life) and post your response as comment to this post by Sunday, April 5, 5 PM.