Thursday, September 6, 2007

FILM 116 Introduction, AvidFreeDV

Welcome, again, to Film 116. This is the first e-mail you will be
receiving from me and/or the other instructors regarding this course.

Before I go any further, I want to suggest that you follow this link to
download Avid Free DV as soon as possible:

(If you are using a Mac and don't have Stuffit Expander already
installed on your computer, download a copy before you go any further.)

Avid Free DV is a cross-platform (runs on both PC and Mac) video editing application with a substantial amount of troubleshooting wisdom collected over the years, as well as some thorough tutorials that have been developed. Unfortunately, the Avid company is no longer "officially" supporting this free version of its Avid software, but they
are apparently still allowing it to be downloaded.

Avid Free DV is one option (and a good one) for you to choose for your video editing application when we begin to work on Trek 02, beginning in early October. You aren't "required" to use Avid Free DV, but it's a good idea to get a copy of it anyway before it disappears forever.

(If you don't want to receive junk mail from Avid, un-click the three
boxes near the bottom of the registration form marked "news.")

(PC users: please note that Avid Free DV runs on Windows XP, not on Vista.)


Here are some things you need to do this weekend to get ready for this


1. Buy the required supplies for the class (must have by Wednesday, September 12).

2. Familiarize yourself with Firefox, the web browser we will use in this class. If you plan to work on a computer at home that is online, download and install the most recent version of Firefox.

3. If you are new to advanced computing, consider signing up for the Short Courses on Operating Systems and Internet Skills.

4. Spend some time with your PantherMail account. If you want to have your UWM e-mail forwarded to your existing e-mail application, visit PantherMail and click on the "Forward Mail" option.

5. Register to use the class Discussion Forum by following directions in the "How to Register" section. Set your User Profile settings in the Discussion Forum by following directions in the "User Profile Settings"

6. Complete the Survey form (both sides) and bring to class on Monday. Don't forget to attach a photocopy of your PantherID (or a
recent snapshot).


That's it for now. Have a great weekend, and we'll see you on Monday (in Music 180).


P.S. We will discuss this on Monday, but please review our policy on
e-mail netiquette:

You will be expected to learn how to use politeness when using e-mail:

1. Enable the receiver of your e-mail to use a "mailbox" to store e-mails from an ongoing discussion with you. In this class, accomplish this by ALWAYS INCLUDING THE STRING [07116] IN THE SUBJECT LINE** of all new e-mails you create pertaining to the class. This can greatly aid you and the instructor in getting to your important e-mail quickly without having to sort through numerous unlabled e-mail messages. You can set up mailboxes in most e-mail apps, including Panthermail.

2. Use "Reply" to reply to an e-mail, not "New Message."

3. Make sure your e-mail application is set to automatically "include (or quote) the original message" in the body of the e-mail when you reply. The "include the original message" may not be the "default setting" in your e-mail application, and may have to be changed in the applications Preferences. If you respond to an e-mail by creating a new e-mail, the prior correspondence will not be included--this practice should be avoided.

4. If you have good habits about using the Subject line in your e-mails, congratulations! If not, this class will probably improve them. Instructors go through many e-mails and need some sense of the content in order to work through them efficiently. The rules are simple: if you have changed the topic, change the subject line. If you emphasize a new aspect that was added to the discussion (as when a discussion splits into several discussions), change the subject line and include a "was" phrase like this:

You received:
Subject: Where Can I Find SonicStage v3.4?

You return:
Subject: SSv3.4 & XP Home edition (was Where Can I Find SonicStage v3.4?)

5. Do not forward or "cc" anyone's e-mail to anyone else without the original author's knowledge that you are doing so.

6. Read the whole e-mail before you start responding to any part.

7. If you are frustrated with the way a communication is going, consider writing a draft reply and sleep on it before sending it.

8. Without the clues of face-to-face communication, humor, irony, sarcasm, and wit can be easily misinterpreted, but don't let that stop you! (Seriously.) Try including a smiley icon, wink icon, or a brief conditional phrase like "ha-ha" in parentheses when you think there is a chance the receiver might not know that you are laughing, joking, etc.


Glenn Bach said...

This is a test comment for the 116 Blog.

Let's see how this looks.
