Hello, all.
I hope you had a productive weekend, and that your Drift 1 walks resulted in a lot of great sounds and maps.
On Monday, February 18, we will have open Help Sessions focusing on specific areas of Drift 1. Here is the schedule:
Please note that these Help Sessions are not restricted to specific lab sections, and that you may attend any session or sessions you wish. Bring your work on your laptop or CD-R, or have it posted on your Blog or PantherFile for us to access.
I have updated the tutorials for PantherFile and Blogger. They are available here:
If we do not see you on Monday, it will be for one of two reasons:
1) Your Drift 1 walk was extremely fertile, your recordings were crisp and clean, you were able to transfer and edit your recordings with no difficulty, you were able to upload your MP3s and maps to PantherFile, and your Blog is solid and seamless.
or . . .
2) You weren't able to go out on your Drift walk yet (!) and you have no material with which to work.
If the reason is #1, then we will expect a fantastic Blog with engaging sounds and maps. If the reason is #2, then you are really behind and it will take an extremely concerted effort on your part to meet the first Drift 1 deadline a week from tomorrow.
Remember that the deadline for Reflective Response #2 (Sound) is due tomorrow at 3 PM. The readings from which you can choose are Delahanty, Ferrington, Hill, Peterson, Russolo, Toop, and Westerkamp. Remember that you are supposed to read ALL of the readings, and then pick one to write about. Don't just write about the first article you read, or simply pick one at random. Post your response as a comment to this post on the Course Blog:
Finally, tomorrow is also the deadline to drop this class without a "W" appearing on your record. If this class is ending up on the bottom of your list of priorities, then it may be a good idea to drop, since things will not be getting any easier as we get into video editing in Drifts 2 and 3.
We hope to see many of you tomorrow.
P.S. Remember to visit the Course Directory to make sure you have the correct URL for your Drift 1 Blog:
P.P.S. If you are planning to attend the map drawing workshop, please bring the following materials:
I hope you had a productive weekend, and that your Drift 1 walks resulted in a lot of great sounds and maps.
On Monday, February 18, we will have open Help Sessions focusing on specific areas of Drift 1. Here is the schedule:
* SonicStage: Steve Wetzel, MIT B-18
* Scanning Maps: David Witzling, B-18
* Audacity: Seth Warren-Crow, Julie Murray, Alex Torinus, B-56
* Blogger, PantherFile, GoogleMaps: Glenn Bach, B-65
* Drawing Maps: Lilly Czarnecki, B-68
Please note that these Help Sessions are not restricted to specific lab sections, and that you may attend any session or sessions you wish. Bring your work on your laptop or CD-R, or have it posted on your Blog or PantherFile for us to access.
I have updated the tutorials for PantherFile and Blogger. They are available here:
If we do not see you on Monday, it will be for one of two reasons:
1) Your Drift 1 walk was extremely fertile, your recordings were crisp and clean, you were able to transfer and edit your recordings with no difficulty, you were able to upload your MP3s and maps to PantherFile, and your Blog is solid and seamless.
or . . .
2) You weren't able to go out on your Drift walk yet (!) and you have no material with which to work.
If the reason is #1, then we will expect a fantastic Blog with engaging sounds and maps. If the reason is #2, then you are really behind and it will take an extremely concerted effort on your part to meet the first Drift 1 deadline a week from tomorrow.
Remember that the deadline for Reflective Response #2 (Sound) is due tomorrow at 3 PM. The readings from which you can choose are Delahanty, Ferrington, Hill, Peterson, Russolo, Toop, and Westerkamp. Remember that you are supposed to read ALL of the readings, and then pick one to write about. Don't just write about the first article you read, or simply pick one at random. Post your response as a comment to this post on the Course Blog:
Finally, tomorrow is also the deadline to drop this class without a "W" appearing on your record. If this class is ending up on the bottom of your list of priorities, then it may be a good idea to drop, since things will not be getting any easier as we get into video editing in Drifts 2 and 3.
We hope to see many of you tomorrow.
P.S. Remember to visit the Course Directory to make sure you have the correct URL for your Drift 1 Blog:
P.P.S. If you are planning to attend the map drawing workshop, please bring the following materials:
* Any and all notes and sketches pertaining to your Drift (if you feel like some vital info might be missing--street names, major building names etc., you can look this info up online to piece together what you do have.)
* Paper (regular 8 1/2 by 11 paper is great)
* Pencils and erasers
* Coloring tools: markers, crayons, colored pencils, paints, ink, etc.; whatever you like. (PRISMACOLOR dual-tip design markers work really well and do not bleed. These are available at the UWM bookstore and sold individually.)
* Black fine-tip marker or pen
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