Sunday, May 4, 2008

Drift 3 Screenings, Course Evals, Drift Maps Due

Hello, all.

I can't believe we are now at the final week of instruction! We meet tomorrow in B91 for the last of our Drift 3 screenings. Attendance is mandatory, even if you've already screened your work.

We have also been asked by the Film Department to make sure that as many of you complete the course evaluations as possible, so, please, please, please, if you didn't fill out a course eval last week, show up tomorrow and help us out with that. It's really important.

Drift Maps are due tomorrow at 3 PM, so make sure you've documented all three of your Drifts.

On Wednesday in B91 we will have our final class meeting, a potluck and screening of Rivers and Tides: Andy Goldsworthy Working With Time. This should be a fun and relaxing way to end the semester, so think of something yummy to eat and share.

See you tomorrow.