Please pass this along. 371 Productions is hiring an associate producer/researcher for my new film, What We Got: DJ Spooky's Quest for the Commons. The film is a documentary/fiction hybrid that features DJ Spooky on an invented journey to discover "the commons"; or all the stuff that belongs to all of us but it threatened by overzealous privatization, from the sky, to water, to public space to the internet and art&culture. The film will follow Spooky's journey in many forms: documentary, live-action scripted scenes, Zelig-like appearances with historic footage, and animation. Our goal is to not only create awareness of the notion of the commons, but to provide audiences with the experience of the commons. To this end, we'll share our media as we make it and offer audiences the opportunity to remix and repurpose our media while we work on our version of the film. The centerpiece of our outreach strategy is a set of 125 screenings of 125 different versions of the film hosted in commons(es) by groups aligned with our concerns for the enclose of commons. This will kick off a theatrical run and broadcast on PBS.
The job is based in Milwaukee, though the personnel are based in Milwaukee, San Francisco and New York. The job is roughly 6 months during a writing and pre-production phase, with the possibility of extension into production.
Core Creative/Production Team:
- Brad Lichtenstein (producer/directork, MKE)
- Vernon Reid (music supervisor / co-director, NYC)
- Brian Glazer (producer, NYC)
- Civic Actions, internet strategy firm based in San Francisco.
Job Description:
- Conduct research to support the soon-to-be-hired writer and the core creative/production team
- Conduct research to support the internet strategy team
- Conduct research to support the production team
- Support all teams with technical and administrative work
- Supervise interns
- Work in conjunction with office coordinator for all support funcitions
Some travel will be required.
Resumes should be emailed to Brad Lichtenstein at Please use the subject line "AP Job". Application period is open, though we will make a hire very quickly so the sooner you submit the better.
I blog about What We Got: DJ Spooky's Quest for the Commons
The old blog is here: for WHAT WE GOT (the DJ Spooky Commons film)
Check out POETRY EVERYWHERE animated short films
Brad Lichtenstein
371 Productions and docUWM
Peck School of the Arts
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Department of Film
PO Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201.0413
414.229.2890 w
414.229.5901 f
917.721.3131 m
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