Hello, all.
Thanks for your patience with the microphone building sessions. We're
trying to make the best of the equipment that we have, and our goal is
to get as many of you finished with your microphones by the end of the week.
We will meet Wednesday as a class in B91. At 3 PM sharp, Brooke
Swelstad from the Equipment Room will give a short presentation, and
then you will receive the Production Kit you will be using this
semester. After that is done, then the labs will reconvene and the
microphone building will continue.
On Monday, September 22, the lab instructors will lead their sections on
a Field Recording Practice Session, while I will remain in B18 with the
soldering gear for any last-minute adjustments. Of course, you are
welcome to go out on your Drift 1 walk(s) this weekend if you feel
ready, but if you want to wait until we go over the use of the Minidisc
recorder on Monday, then that is fine as well.
Thanks, also, for the Soundwalk responses on your Research Blogs. I
checked them all, and even though I haven't yet been able to read
through each one carefully, I was impressed with what I saw so far.
Also, remember to keep up with your readings (please note that I've
corrected the bad links to some of the articles). The reading schedule
is posted on the Course Schedule:
And the list of readings is covered on the Research page:
That's it for now. I'll be out of town the rest of the week, but I will
be keeping up with my e-mail, so drop a line if you have any questions.
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