Hello all.
Welcome, again, to FILM 116. It's going to be a busy semester, but I
hope that we can make it interesting and fun.
Here is the list of supplies you'll need to get by Tuesday, September 9:
You can get all the supplies from Riverwest Film and Video, 824 East
Center St., Milwaukee, WI 53212, Hours: 3-11pm daily, 414-265-8433):
If you haven't filled out and posted the Survey, do so by Sunday,
September 7 at 5 PM. This requires a Google account:
So far I've received one request for 24/7 access to B18. I actually
need to submit this list earlier than I thought, so please e-mail me by
Monday, September 8, 3 PM, if you will be using B18 for this class.
Remember to keep up with your reading. There are three articles you
should read before we go out on our soundwalks on Monday:
Hart: http://tinyurl.com/6mr8cj
Westerkamp: http://tinyurl.com/6hoffh
Ferrington: http://tinyurl.com/5c49ge
We will meet Monday at 3 PM in B91 to watch some examples of student
work from previous semesters. I'll also give a brief demo on Blogger so
you can start work on your Research blogs. We will then break out into
the lab sections for the guided soundwalks. Wear comfortable clothes
and shoes, and bring a notebook and pen/pencil for taking notes and
Remember that the lab assignments are posted on the Course Directory:
Okay, have a great weekend, and try to stay dry. We'll see you next week.
FILM 116 Survey
1. What is your name (first, last)?
Michael Hofstedt II
2. Do you have a preferred name or nickname you would like us to use?
3. Do you own your own computer? If so, what platform (Mac, PC), and what operating system (Windows XP/Vista, Mac Tiger/Leopard, Linux, unsure)? If not, have you had experience with Mac or PC or both?
I own a PC with Vista operating system.
4. Do you own a digital camera and/or video camera? If so, describe your gear, and talk a little bit about your experience capturing still and moving images.
I own a Samsung digital camera. I put together a few short (5-10 minute) videos and a 50 minute video. My still image experience is adolescent.
5. Have you ever edited a video before? If so, what software did you use?
I have edited a video before using Windows Movie Maker.
6. Have you worked with sound (or music) before, either performing, recording, or processing? If so, please describe.
I have performed and recorded with a rock and roll band.
7. Who are your favorite filmmakers?
Wes Anderson, D.A Pennebaker
8. What are some of your favorite films?
The Darjeeling Unlimited, Running Down A Dream, Into The Wild
9. Who or what inspired you to pursue studies in Film?
I was inspired by the creative mind of D.A. Pennebaker and Ben Chapman
10. What kind of career do you imagine for yourself in Film or other Media Arts?
Documentary film maker
11. Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?
I am a twenty-five year old Army veteran.
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