Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cast Your Vote! Shape the Film Department at UWM!

Hello, all.

Here is a message from the Film Department, with a link to the
Differential Tuition survey. Please take a few minutes, if you haven't
done so already, to complete this survey. Your participation is
critical to the Department's efforts to effectively distribute
Differential Tuition funds.


Cast your Differential Tuition vote!

Help to shape the Film Department at UWM!

Differential tuition, $20 per credit, is applied to most undergraduate courses in the Peck School of the Arts.

The fees collected in Film are used to benefit students by providing resources to support curriculum, programming, equipment and facilities improvements.
Please take a few minutes to let us know what you think should be done with next year's funding to support a creative environment and educational experience in the Film Department.

You only need to complete this survey once - if you have filled one out in class or online there is no need to do it again.

It's short and online: