Sunday, March 8, 2009

Drift 1 In-Progress Critique

Hello, all.

We meet tomorrow (Monday, March 9) in the Lab Rooms for an In-Progress
Critique for Drift 1. Here are the Lab locations:

* Lab 1, B-91, Emir Cakaroz
* Lab 2, B-18, Sean Kafer
* Lab 3, B-75, Joe Sacco
* Lab 4, B-68, Heidi Spencer

Make sure you have your Drift 1 blogs as complete as possible, and that
all of the information on your blog is visible to the general public.
Also, many of you are still embedding your maps/images directly into
Blogger. Any imagery on your blogs must be linked via PantherFile.
Check steps 15-17 on the Blogger Tutorial to make sure you are posting
your images using the correct procedures:

Some of you are having problems with SonicStage, mostly dealing with
locating your WAV files. Remember, any file that has the .OMA (or .HMA)
file extension is worthless and should not be copied. When you transfer
recordings from the Hi-MD using SonicStage, it automatically converts
the files to WAV format. The trick is finding those WAV files on your
computer after the transfer is over.

Check the SonicStage Tutorial, especially steps 2-6, to set the exact
folder where these WAV files will be placed by SonicStage.

If they don't show up there for whatever reason, remember that you can
do a Search on your computer for the name (using the characters that
appear in the My Library part of SonicStage). Remember these WAV files
will probably be called "2009-03-09 23:17:79" or something similar, with
the "2009-03-09" representing the date you did the transfer.

You can also do a search for recently added or updated files, and your
computer should list all the files that were created on a particular day.

Okay. See everyone tomorrow.