Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Prep for Wednesday, October 10

We will all meet in B-91 tomorrow for an overview of Trek 02. Please bring the digital camera from your Production Kit to class, along with fresh batteries.

Some reminders:

CHECK YOUR E-MAIL ACCOUNT ON A DAILY BASIS. E-mail is the means by which we keep you up to date with developments in the class, particularly with specific breakout rooms that may be different than where you might expect to meet.

Remember to include a subject in the Subject Line, and include [07116] in this Subject Line. We get tons of e-mail, and when we receive an e-mail from you with a generic subject like "blogspot" or no subject at all, our first impulse is to dismiss your note as Spam.

If you are having a technical problem of any kind, PLEASE GO TO THE TECHNICAL FORUM first to see if someone has already posted a solution. If you can't find any relevant posts, go ahead and add your own post detailing your problem (be specific), then we can try to help you troubleshoot.

If you have to e-mail me for whatever reason, then make sure to copy (CC) your Lab instructor(s). Or, e-mail your Lab instructor(s) and CC me.

We will begin work on video editing soon, so make sure you have AvidFreeDV installed and running smoothly. If you need a copy, bring a blank CD-R to class tomorrow (if I've already burned you a copy, please bring a blank disc as a replacement). If you wish to use an alternative to AvidFreeDV, then please e-mail me and your Lab instructor(s)] to discuss your options. Remember that you can use AvidFreeDV in MIT 353 and B-18 if you have an external hard drive.

That's it for now. See you tomorrow.