Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Individual Crits, Production Kits

Hello, all.

A reminder that if you have not signed up for an individual, one-on-one
crit with your Lab Instructor, you need to do so immediately. The
signup sheets are on my office door, MIT-B60. There are only a few
slots left for Wednesday and next Monday, while some labs have no slots
left at all. In that case, you will need to confirm with your Lab
Instructor about a visit during regular office hours.

Monday, April 27, 1 PM, is the deadline to turn in your Production Kits.
At this point in the semester you should be well into editing mode
rather than data gathering mode. A reminder of the Late Policy
concerning Production Kits:

"You will be docked 10 points from your Participation grade for every
day the kit is late. If the Equipment Room does not receive your kit by
the end of the semester, you will receive a 0 on your Drift 2 grade, the
Film Department will put a hold on your records, you will be billed for
the cost of replacing the kit, and you will be forbidden from checking
out equipment in the future."

Don't let this happen to you. Be a good Film Department citizen and get
those kits in. (You can turn your kits in earlier, if you wish.)