Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Update for Wednesday, September 26

We meet tomorrow in the lab rooms before going out to practice field recording techniques (in case of rain, we'll explore indoor sites). Remember to bring your MD recorder, mic rig, freshly charged batteries, MiniDisc, and headphones.

After the practice session, please go out on your Trek 01 (you'll have the rest of the week and the weekend to do this, but don't wait until Sunday if you can avoid it). The completed blog for Trek 01 is due Sunday, October 7th at 6pm.

Here is the list of the labs and the rooms:

Lab 1, B-91, Lilly Czarnecki
Lab 2, B-65, Scott Foley
Lab 3, B-91, Julie Murray and Alex Torinus
Lab 4, B-68, Steve Wetzel
Lab 5, B-18, David Witzling

And here's the Course Directory again.

There have been more students requesting copies of AvidFreeDV than I anticipated. So, to be fair, if you received a CD-R on Monday, or if you've e-mailed me recently for a copy, please provide me with a blank CD-R to replace the discs I've already burned.

To date 38 students have not signed up for the Technical Forum. Please do that right away, since we are starting to get into some heavy technical issues with Trek 01.

I have been receiving quite a few e-mails with some formatting problems, like missing [07116] indicators in the subject line, or blank subject lines altogether. Please review the e-mail netiquette policy on the syllabus.

Next week we will have several help sessions dedicated to specific technical issues you may be having with your Trek 01 projects (I'll be sending a separate e-mail about that later this week). In the meantime, here are the links to the tutorials and PDFs that I summarized in my lecture on Monday:

Class Syllabus

Trek 01 Page

Audacity Tutorials

PantherFile Tutorial

Blogger Tutorial