Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Lecture Sound/Image B-91

Hello, all.

Remember that we are meeting tomorrow in B-91 for Lilly's lecture on image/sound relationships and editing. This will be a key element to launching Trek 03, so don't miss it.

Update on the Research Groups: Steve's Advanced Editing group and David's Video Technology group are full, so, for those who have yet to pick a group, choose among the remaining four. A clarification on the Moving Image Meditations group: maybe some of you were scared off by the "paper" assignments--they are actually more like short "book reports" for films. Not full-blown research essays, just personal meditations on what you saw that day.

The sign-up sheets are still on my door, and I'll bring them to class tomorrow.

Here is the link to the Research Groups.

By now your PantherFile allotments should have been increased. So, if you dumped files in an attempt to clear up room for your Trek 02 clips, please go back and re-upload your Trek 01 files so that the links on your blogs are complete and working. Even though you've already received your grades for Trek 01, we will be looking at all of the assignments throughout the semester, so please make sure all of your blogs are up-to-date.

Just a few words about deadlines: I'm happy to say that far more of you made the Trek 02 deadline than Trek 01. But some of you are still experiencing some fairly dramatic technical problems, and trying to troubleshoot these problems days or hours before deadline. While we urge you to try to fix things at home as best you can, at some point you need to go to Plan B, which could mean switching from Avid to Quicktime Pro, for example, or going to a computer in 353 or B18 (and posting your questions in the appropriate category on the Technical Forum).

What is most important is that you get the work done. That may involve using an alternative app or approach with which you are unfamiliar or one you dislike. As media artists, you will always be negotiating technology, for good or bad, and your success or failure depends on your ability to improvise and adjust to the situation at hand.

We talked about this a bit in class yesterday, but it's worth mentioning again how crucial it is to get a jump on your Trek 03 files as early as possible so that you will have time to troubleshoot well before any approaching deadlines.

See you tomorrow.