Sunday, February 10, 2008

Prep for Monday, February 11

Hello, all.

A reminder that Seth will lead a soldering session tomorrow, Monday, February 11, from 12:30-2:30 in B-18. Anyone who needs to make last-minute mic or windscreen adjustments is welcome.

We will meet in MUS 180 at 3 PM for an important announcement, and then we will break into the lab sections for mandatory field recording practice sessions. Attendance will be taken. (Remember to bring your gear!)

Some of you may ask: "If I have already gone on my Drift 1 walk this weekend, do I still need to attend?" The answer is yes. If you've already gotten the hang of your recorder and microphones, and you've had some success in collecting good, clean sounds, then your Lab instructor will ask you to share your experiences, both positive and negative, with the rest of the group. You can also help your peers with troubleshooting.

Tomorrow (3 PM) is also the deadline for your first Reflective Response (on mapping), covering one of the following articles: Cresswell, Cross, Debord, Hiss, Lopate, Lippard, or This American Life (note that Joseph Hart's essay, "A New Way of Walking," is not included among your possibilities). Post your response as a comment to this post on the Course Blog:

See you tomorrow.