Sunday, February 8, 2009

Microphone Building begins tomorrow!

Hello, all.

Tomorrow (Monday, February 9) we meet in the Lab Rooms for the first
round of the Microphone Building sessions. Please note that Lab 4 with
Heidi Spencer has moved to B-68:

Lab 1, B-91, Emir Cakaroz
Lab 2, B-18, Sean Kafer
Lab 3, B-75, Joe Sacco
Lab 4, B-68, Heidi Spencer

You can confirm your Lab by checking the Course Directory:

Remember to bring these supplies you purchased at Riverwest Film and Video:

* two Rapid 35-0190 Mic Capsules
* one stereo mic cable with 1/8" stereo plug
* two alligator clips for attaching windscreens
* one pair of enclosed headphones for testing mics
* Optional: swatches of faux fur for a fancier windscreen
* Optional: soldering wand

You can review the mic building demo, if you'd like:

Also, if you are interested in constructing a fancier windscreen, watch
this instructional video from a former 116 student:

Remember that I have extended the deadline for posting your Soundwalk
responses (including your answers to the 11 questions, overall Soundwalk
map, sound/body map, and sound log/notes) to next Sunday, February 15.

But, you should probably get started now on creating your Drift Atlas
and posting your materials. Remember to use the Drift Atlas URL that is
linked beside your name on the Course Directory. You will be copying
just this portion of the URL: flast116 (first initial, last name, 116)
and pasting it into the URL box on Blogger.

Please review the Blogger Tutorial for assistance:

And the link to the Drift Atlas page:

I've added links to the Course Directories from previous semesters to
the Tutorials page, so you can review the work of past students:

Also, here are specific examples of Drift 1 blogs:

And here is a nice treatment of Drift 1, even though his map thumbnails
link to MP3s rather than to larger versions of the maps (remember, each
field recording must be linked through a separate line of text, not by
clicking on the image thumbnail):

Okay, we will see all of you tomorrow.